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Windows accessibility for people with moderate and severe visual impairment
Computer users with moderate and severe visual impairment need special utilities. The visual accessibility tools that are built into Windows do not allow basic computer use to people with these kinds of impairments. However, their impairments are not so severe that they need devices intended for blind people. This article helps them to find the solution they need.
NetGraph is a free to use network bandwidth monitor. It shows real-time information about the state of network traffic in a visual display format selected by the user. NetGraph can monitor the data flows of wired, Wi-Fi and mobile broadband connections, as well as that of the local network and the internet.
Windows 10 system font settings
The elements of the font size changer software family provide different options for setting up Windows 10/11 system fonts. The software can significantly improve the readability of the text displayed on the screen.
Classic Auto Login
Microsoft changed the setup option of automatic login from version 2004 of Windows 10, for security reasons. The operating system can still log in automatically, but the setup interface is usually not available. Classic Auto Login offers an alternative means of setting up auto login.
Desktop Icon Spacing
It allows you to set the space between desktop icons. It treats vertical and horizontal spacing separately. You don’t have to restart the PC to apply changes.
Restart and Monitor explorer.exe
The explorer.exe process carries out essential tasks on Windows operating systems. Under certain circumstances, it may be important to stop and restart the explorer process. This is usually not a simple task, as there may be multiple explorer processes running at the same time.
Tabbed Explorer
Tabbed Explorer is a multi-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work in a multi-panel mode, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer. You can switch between different panels with tabs.
Easy Window Invert
Easy Window Invert visually changes the display of windows. By using the software, you can significantly increase the user experience. It allows color-blind as well as visually impaired users to use the computer.
Simple System Font Changer
Simple System Font Changer allows you to adjust the system fonts used by Windows 10 and 11. The software significantly improves the readability of the text displayed on the screen.
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