Integrity Downloader utilises the VirusTotal API for efficient operation. An API Key is required to use the VirusTotal API, which can be obtained for free after registration on this website. WinTools.Info has no affiliation with VirusTotal. The API Key is freely available to everyone.

virustotal api key
Add your VirusTotal API key

Integrity Downloader can be used without an API Key. However, without an API Key, displaying VirusTotal information in the software is not possible.

At the time of writing of this article (25 February 2024), the free VirusTotal API Key allows for 500 queries a day. The daily quota can be tracked on the VirusTotal website. The following operations each use one API Key request:

  • File download
  • Checksum - Reanalyse File
  • Checksum - Update Info
  • Checksum - File Upload (2x)
  • Context menu - VirusTotal [Domain]
  • Context menu - VirusTotal [URL]

The use of the VirusTotal [Domain] and VirusTotal [URL] operations with an API Key can be disabled. If the Use Cache menu is active, a certain URL will only be queried once per session. Subsequent queries will display results based on the cache.

If the API Key quota is exhausted, Integrity Downloader will continue to function. However, the display of VirusTotal information within the software will be suspended. The API Key quota resets every 24 hours by default.


Version: | Date: 2024-03-15 | Download | MD5: 585aa1211fd58891e4e2ea84f75305ce