Colors and Appearance
Black NotePad
Black NotePad is a plain text editor program. It carries out similar tasks to Microsoft Notepad while significantly supplementing and exceeding its functions. An essential function is the option to easily switch between display modes.
Classic Color Panel
Classic Color Panel (CCP) is a utility that complements the system-level color adjustment capabilities of Windows 10/11. It allows you to make Windows 10/11 color settings, including non-public settings, on a user-friendly interface.
Easy Dark Mode + Wallpaper Creator
Easy Dark Mode allows you to switch between the system-wide dark/light display modes available in Windows 10/11 operating systems. It provides a one-click method and hotkey to switch display modes.
Easy Invert
Easy Invert visually changes the display of the entire screen, and the software significantly improves the user experience. It also allows color-blind as well as visually impaired users to use the computer. You can use Easy Invert to create dark mode for software that does not already have one.
Easy Window Invert
Easy Window Invert visually changes the display of windows. By using the software, you can significantly increase the user experience. It allows color-blind as well as visually impaired users to use the computer.